For the crust:
15 egg whites,
150 g chopped walnuts,
150 g ground walnuts,
6 tablespoons ground biscuits.
For the filling I:
13 egg yolks,
13 spoons of sugar,
100 g of chocolate,
250 g of margarine,
For the filling II:
300 g of ground biscuits,
200 ml of juice or milk
200 g of powdered sugar,
200 g of margarine,
2 egg yolks,
30 g cream powder,
100 ground chocolate wafer,
100 g grated chocolate with hazelnuts.
200 g of chocolate,
6 tablespoons milk
6 tablespoons oil.
Prepare this chocolate cake as follows:
Whisk 5 egg whites and 5 tablespoons of sugar.
Add 50 g chopped and 50 g ground walnuts.
Gently stir in two tablespoons of ground biscuits.
Bake in greased pan at 200 ⁰ C until golden brown.
Make another two sheets in the same way.
Filling I:
Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar and cook by steaming, until thickened.
Add 100 g of chocolate and stir until the chocolate is melted.
Allow to cool.
Mix margarine and combine it with the cooled mixture to be obtained fine cream.
Filling II:
Pour milk or juice over ground biscuits and mix with powdered sugar.
Whisk the egg yolks and gradually combine them with ground biscuits.
Whisk butter and cream (only powder) and add to mixture.
Finally stir in ground chocolate wafer and grated chocolate.
Way of filleting the cake:
On the first layer apply the filling I and filling II, then spread another sheet and pour filling I and filling II and the third crust, and again filling I and filling II.
Well-cool cake.
For glaze, melt chocolate with milk and oil and pour fold.
Decorate as desired.
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